Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 32

First, I need to 'fess to two things. One, I totally did not get up early this morning for Yoga X, I lounged in bed and am doing this workout after work. Two, I TOTALLY overate at the potluck luncheon today. I thought I could manage it, but I way overate! UGH! Next time, I will do better.

Now, to the workout... I am finding that I get into the poses better... Except reverse triangle pose (if any readers have suggestions for this one, please, post them here...) Right angle pose and grab (YIKES!), and standing splits. Although I see the benefit of being able to do these (in the future), right now these moves just further drive home to me that I am morbidly obese. But I know, as I continue to workout, continue to eat right (again, today is NOT an example of this), and continue to remember that each moment is a new opportunity for positive decisions...I will be able to master these moves, without pain, without falling down, and without the baggage.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 25

I both like and hate Yoga X. I like it because when I can get into the poses, I feel really good. Nice stretches, etc... I hate it because I have difficulty with SO MANY poses, like right angle pose and grab or half moon to twisting half moon. I fall more than I stand on this one. With right angle pose and grab, I am too fat to even grab my fingers, the "easy" version of this move. I found myself becoming more frustrated than calm, so I have stopped the disc at the start of the balance moves and I will pick up there tonight after I stretch. GRRR!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 23 - Recovery Week

I was a little sluggish this morning with the whole getting up and out thing. However, I ate breakfast and completed this morning's workout - Core Synergistics.

I was measured yesterday, as I spent the weekend with my DH and I am not sure what the plan is for next weekend. The numbers are good and they do show progress, so I am happy. When I initially saw them, I was scared that they might not be accurate. What if he measured wrong? What if he measured a different place than on Day 1? In the interest of supporting myself and trusting that these are correct, I am posting them here, if later I learn they are incorrect, I will fix it then.

May 2nd June 7th Change
Neck: 14.5" 13.75" 0.75"
Chest: 41" 41" 0
Bust: 46.5" 46" 0.5"
Waist: 42" 39" 3"
Hips: 54" 52" 2"
Arms: 15.5" 15.5" 0
Thigh: 29.75" 28" 1.75"

Total inches lost so far? 8"

If that is accurate (no measurement error), I am pretty stoked!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 19

I decided when I started blogging about my P90X experience that I would not just write about the successes, but also about the struggles. So, today has been tough.

While trying to get my calorie intake lower than my output (as that is what is needed to lose weight), I went too low in my calories to support my workouts. Therefore, I woke up dragging this morning and bonked in my workout. I had a hard time finishing Legs and Back and only got through the first 2 exercises in Ab Ripper X. I quickly identified what the problem was and have corrected my diet (moved from 1600 - 2000 calories per day to 2000 - 2400 calories per day, 50/20/30 PFC).

Okay, that part being said, I have really wanted a pizza for the past few days. I have been eating on plan the whole time, but I REALLY wanted a pizza. So, I gave in and purchased a California Pizza Kitchen Chicken BBQ Pizza. I rationalized the purchase by stating that one serving is within the permissible carb serving for the day (under 200 calories of a strict carb - bread, rice, grain, etc...). This would be fine, except, over the course of 5 hours, I ate 3 servings! I am still within my calorie range, but my carbs are a bit high.

Good side of the day: I did not engage in all-or-nothing behavior by saying "Well, I already ate the WHOLE pizza, I might as well get a sundae or some cookie dough and throw in the towel."

Second good point, I am almost done with Week 3!

I know this is not perfect, but for me, it is a VAST improvement.

On another note, I will be away for the weekend, so my next post will not be until Sunday Night, at the earliest. Thank you to anyone who is reading this.