Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 19

I decided when I started blogging about my P90X experience that I would not just write about the successes, but also about the struggles. So, today has been tough.

While trying to get my calorie intake lower than my output (as that is what is needed to lose weight), I went too low in my calories to support my workouts. Therefore, I woke up dragging this morning and bonked in my workout. I had a hard time finishing Legs and Back and only got through the first 2 exercises in Ab Ripper X. I quickly identified what the problem was and have corrected my diet (moved from 1600 - 2000 calories per day to 2000 - 2400 calories per day, 50/20/30 PFC).

Okay, that part being said, I have really wanted a pizza for the past few days. I have been eating on plan the whole time, but I REALLY wanted a pizza. So, I gave in and purchased a California Pizza Kitchen Chicken BBQ Pizza. I rationalized the purchase by stating that one serving is within the permissible carb serving for the day (under 200 calories of a strict carb - bread, rice, grain, etc...). This would be fine, except, over the course of 5 hours, I ate 3 servings! I am still within my calorie range, but my carbs are a bit high.

Good side of the day: I did not engage in all-or-nothing behavior by saying "Well, I already ate the WHOLE pizza, I might as well get a sundae or some cookie dough and throw in the towel."

Second good point, I am almost done with Week 3!

I know this is not perfect, but for me, it is a VAST improvement.

On another note, I will be away for the weekend, so my next post will not be until Sunday Night, at the earliest. Thank you to anyone who is reading this.

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