Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 14

Okay, last night I went to bed with a muscle relaxant. Why? ( you might ask) because I REALLY strained a butt muscle (Yes, I know the proper name is the gluteus maximus, work with me) and it was spasming all day. The muscle relaxant helped, and with some additional stretching this morning, I am back to normal.

Because I will be unable to workout Monday and Tuesday (going away for a training, no, not a vacation), I did tomorrows workout today (Core Synergistics) and will do Cardio X (Monday's workout) tomorrow before I leave. When I return, I will push Tuesdays workout to Wednesday, and et cetera, until I can catch up next Saturday.

Also, I want to maintain healthy eating while I am gone, so I have packed healthy food that I can take with me and have already thought about what to eat when I go to lunches with my supervisors. Salad with protein, hold the extra fats.

Additionally, I have changed up my diet, in looking at available research on nutrition, I was REALLY eating WAY TOO MUCH food to lose weight (my intended goal). So, I have moved to a 40/30/30 diet (Protein, Fats, Carbs) and have moved my range to 1600 - 2000 calories per day. According to some formula ( I have the name somewhere), this should allow me to lose weight without burning out...or as they say in P90X - Bonking. I will try this for two weeks and see how I feel. If I feel like garbage, then I will up the cals, if I feel good and am losing, I stay put!

Just as an update, I am down 5 lbs to 235. Yeah!

See ya later!

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