Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 12

This morning started out great! I got out of bed, I ate breakfast (maple flavored soy patties on an english muffin) and I got to work. First I completed Legs and Back, challenging mostly because of doing SO MANY chin-ups. Fun because of moves like "Sneaky Lunges" in which you complete a series of 20 lunges on your toes ONLY, no putting your heels down in between moves!
I have been charting, and I am seeing some improvement with this disc; I saw a lot more improvement in the Ab Ripper X disc (Erin, these are the numbers I hinted about!).

During the AbRipper X disc, the hot shots on the disc complete 350 ab exercises in a span of 16 minutes. I am not there...yet. But I am improving! I did not track my first trial with AbRipper X, but the second day I did it (5/21/09), I completed 193 of the reps.

Today, 5/28/09, I completed...(drumroll, please) 258!!

How cool is that!?! Just a week later I am showing progress!

So, I went to work feelin' PRETTY good! I needed this as my clothes feel tight still and I have been feeling like I am not making progress. But there it is, in black and white...progress, uncontrovertably.

Then, as I needed to follow up on a family issue, I called my mother-in-law to learn than my 9 year old neice has been diagnosed with leukemia. She is having a biopsy today to determine type of leukemia and course of treatment. It is an understatement to say this is a major downer. She is my oldest neice and is such a precious little girl, not that I want this to EVER happen to anyone.

If you pray, please pray that her treatment would be swift and healing would be complete.

Thank you for hanging in for the highs and the lows in this blog.

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