Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 32

First, I need to 'fess to two things. One, I totally did not get up early this morning for Yoga X, I lounged in bed and am doing this workout after work. Two, I TOTALLY overate at the potluck luncheon today. I thought I could manage it, but I way overate! UGH! Next time, I will do better.

Now, to the workout... I am finding that I get into the poses better... Except reverse triangle pose (if any readers have suggestions for this one, please, post them here...) Right angle pose and grab (YIKES!), and standing splits. Although I see the benefit of being able to do these (in the future), right now these moves just further drive home to me that I am morbidly obese. But I know, as I continue to workout, continue to eat right (again, today is NOT an example of this), and continue to remember that each moment is a new opportunity for positive decisions...I will be able to master these moves, without pain, without falling down, and without the baggage.

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